EVENT INQUIRIES Nicole Ridley Events@TheExchangeBellflower.com 562.426.2237 Name* First Last Email* Phone*Name of Company or Organization Please include the company or organization associated with the event, if applicable.Approximate Size of Party*(Select One)10-2020-4040-6060-8080-100100-200200+Potential Date of Event* MM slash DD slash YYYY Potential Start Time of Event* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Duration of Event* 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6+ hours Other What's the occasion?* Birthday Party Business Breakfast / Networking Event Corporate Event Filming / Production Holiday Party Photoshoot Pop-up Vendors Event Wedding Other Check the type of event that most applies to your inquiry.Anything else we should know?How did you hear about us?*(Select One)BrokerFriendPressLeasing sign on buildingSocial mediaWeb searchOther